
[ 2017年07月14日 - 22:01 ]


■ https://twitter.com/RealSociedad/status/885841358908530688

Cantera of the Real's work continues to be a reference all over the world. Also in Japan. The Japanese national league, with the aim of training its young coaches in order to improve their work with the Japanese soccer academies, is developing a program in which ten coaches will work for a year with the teams that best work their base soccer in the world.
One of those teams that has fixed the Japanese league is the Real. From today he works in Zubieta Koichi Togashi, a technician from Tokyo Verdy, who will check first hand the operation of the cantera txuri-urdin. It will coexist with all the teams of our base, from the Real C to the Infantile Txiki, to enrich its formation.

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(07/15 - 01:15) 研修先のチョイス面白いな。坪倉のインタビュー記事まだ読んでないが (wWN7rs3q3nE)
(07/14 - 23:15) 坪倉(横浜FM→アンデルレヒト)、酒井(町田→ヴォイヴォディナ)、中村(山形→フォルトゥナ)に続く4人目かね (L4/hlpf6b6Y)
(07/14 - 22:22) そう言えばスペインで研修してますもんね (S.NyP7LjWhE / zLD.CLdkhwo)