
[ 2018年11月10日 - 12:06 ]


■ トップ10

1 イタリア
2 イギリス
3 中国
4 ギリシア
5 エジプト
6 アメリカ
7 インド
8 イラン
9 イラク
10 ロシア


1 Italy.

What can I say? Ancient Rome created what we now call “Western society” — including our laws, our culture and our religion.
After Rome fell and Europe spent 1,000 years in darkness, Italy reclaimed it with the Renaissance.
To create a civilization is achievement enough — but to save it 10 centuries later is truly remarkable

一位 イタリア
なんと言おうか? 古代ローマは今日我々がその文化や宗教を含んで“西洋社会”と呼ぶモノの基礎となった。

2 United Kingdom.

The dominant industrial and maritime power of the 19th century, the United Kingdom is often credited with being the nation that “created the modern world,” by playing a leading role in developing Western ideas of property, capitalism, and parliamentary democracy
as well as making significant contributions to literature, the arts, and science and technology.
At its zenith, the British Empire stretched over one-quarter of the Earth’s surface and encompassed a third of its population.

二位 イギリス


3 China.
The once and future superpower. China was one of the earliest centers of human civilization.
It has one of the world’s longest periods of mostly uninterrupted civilization and one of the world’s longest continuously used written language systems.
Today, it is the likely successor to the United States as the most powerful country in the world.
Economists have projected that China will be the world's largest economy by 2030.

三位 中国


4 Greece.

Regarded as the cradle of western civilization and being the birthplace of modern democracy, Western philosophy, the Olympic Games, Western literature, political science and drama, including both tragedy and comedy,
Greece has a very long and remarkably rich history during which its culture has proven to be especially influential in Europe, Northern Africa and the Middle East.
Today, Greece is a developed nation, member of the European Union since 1981 and a member of the Eurozone since 2001.

四位 ギリシャ


5 Egypt.
The regularity and richness of the annual Nile River flood, coupled with semi-isolation provided by deserts to the east and west, allowed for the development of one of the world’s great civilizations.
A unified kingdom was founded circa 3200 BC by King Narmer, and a series of dynasties ruled in Egypt for the next three millennia.
The last native dynasty, known as the Thirtieth Dynasty, fell to the Persians in 343 BC who dug the predecessor of the Suez canal and connected the Red Sea to the Mediterranean.
Later, Egypt fell to the Greeks, Romans, and Byzantines. It was the Muslim Arabs who introduced Islam and the Arabic language in the seventh century to the Egyptians, who gradually adopted both.

五位 エジプト

スレッド作成者: 金田 (elblNfJmNcg)

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(11/11 - 02:39) ↓↓歴史上の偉大な国家ならイランイラクのランキングはむしろ低すぎると一般人なら考えるけどなw ↓イスラエルなんて入るわけないだろ。そこのページの解説読んでこい。
(11/10 - 17:43) ユダヤ人山ほどいるのに、イスラエル無しかよ
(11/10 - 17:36) アメリカ人が敵対してるイランイラクを「偉大な国」に選ぶわけないだろ。中国人の妄想ランキングか何かか?
(11/10 - 12:49) まぁ日本がランクインする訳無いわな
(11/10 - 12:39) アメリカ人の価値観押しつけないでね